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Séminaire axe 2 // LLSETI "Image et Sensible"

Vendredi 14 février 2020
à partir de 14h00
Campus de Jacob-Bellecombette, salle 112 

"Parameters for the visual research of subversion in Latin American culture"

Fernando R. Contreras, professeur au département de journalisme de la faculté de Communication, Université de Séville.

We will present a summary of premises used in the study of aesthetics of social movements and in political activism. They are reflections that we accept in the visual research of the vindictive images and in the citizen uprising. We will review notions such as anachronism / visual semiotics / pictorial turn vs. iconic turn / autonomy of images / logic of images / mirror, footprint and mimesis / looks.

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Contact : Jacques.Ibanez-Bueno

Image : Diego Rivera's "History of Mexico" mural featuring Emiliano Zapata